What type of therapy does Rose City Center offer?

Rose City Center offers psychoanalytic psychotherapy for individuals above the age of 12 and couples.  

Does Rose City Center take insurance? 

No, we are a fee-for-service provider, which means you are directly responsible for all payments for therapy. We can, upon request, provide you with a superbill, a detailed receipt of the services provided. Depending upon your type of insurance, you may submit the superbill to your insurer and potentially get reimbursed for your therapy. However, the relationship is legally between you and your insurer.

How much will my therapy cost? 

Cost is determined on a sliding scale at or before your first appointment and is at the clinician’s discretion.

What types of payment are accepted and when will I be expected to pay? 

Rose City Center accepts all major credit cards. Payment is collected at the time of service, typically after the conclusion of each appointment.

What do I do to prepare for my first session?

Prior to your first appointment, please complete the consent documents and credit card authorization form sent by your therapist using our secure and HIPAA-compliant Simple Practice Client Portal.

What should I expect during my first session?

Don't worry about presenting an organized case - just relax, come in, and talk. You and your clinician will discuss your treatment goals and strategize a game plan together. Your clinician will orient you to the process, advise you of the costs, and obtain your written informed consent before proceeding. 

How long is a session, and how many sessions will I need?

Sessions are approximately 45 minutes long. Your initial intake session may be a little bit longer, depending on the discretion of the therapist. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a process—the healing happens over time. You and your therapist will determine how many sessions are advised as your healing progresses. At Rose City Center, you are not controlled by limits set by insurance providers, guided instead by what you and your therapist decide is best for you as an individual.